Introducing behavioural risk into audit assignments

  • 27 November 2024 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • Training course

This course will help you understand what behavioural risk is and how it can impact the way key business risks are managed.

This course will help you understand what behavioural risk is and how it can impact the way key business risks are managed. It will cover the psychological and systemic drivers that create behavioural risk and what to do to manage their impact. You will learn when and how to incorporate a behavioural risk component into audit planning and audit assignments across a range of areas. 

Course overview

Heads of internal audit, audit managers, senior auditors

Upon completion you will be able to:

  • understand what behavioural risk is - and how it can impact the way key business risks are managed 
  • case studies that illustrate behavioural risk in practice
  • the psychological and systemic drivers that create behavioural risk and what to do to manage their impact
  • know when and how to incorporate a behavioural risk component into audit planning and audit assignments across a range of areas.
  • Elements of behavioural risk including – Thinking Fast and Thinking slow (Kahneman), Self-justification Wilful Blindness, Group dynamics, the impact of pressure/stress 
  • Case studies including Columbia, Air Asia, Deepwater Horizon, Financial crisis, Barings
  • Understanding cultural safety factors – including learning from high reliability organisations – learning culture(s), just culture
  • Understanding what you will gain if you add a behavioural element to audit planning and assignment planning
  • Knowing how to add a behavioural risk component into an audit assignment and how it will add insight and value.




  • Professionalism
  • Performance (Organisational governance | Risk management | Internal control
  • Environment (Organisational strategic planning and management)
  • Leadership and communication (Communication)

7 CPE points

This training course is no longer available for booking as the date has already passed.