What you'll get
Certified Internal Auditor designation, which is valid globally.
- Access to our Student Community to support you during your studies.
Who can do this course?
- Internal Auditors who are members of the Chartered IIA and meet the experience or qualification criteria.
Certified Internal Auditor course essentials
Internal auditor
Senior auditor
To be eligible, you must have one of the following:
- A degree in any subject
- Five years' experience in internal audit, risk or compliance
- An active Internal Audit Practitioner award
- An accountancy or CISA qualification
Additionally, degree-holders will need a minimum of two years' experience to be awarded Certified Internal Auditor, while holders of the Internal Audit Practitioner award will need 5 years' experience. This experience requirement has to be met within 3 years of enrolment.
- Comprehensive understanding of the skills and competencies required of an internal auditor.
- In-depth understanding of all elements of the International Professional Practices Framework and its implementation.
There are three exams to take:
- Part 1 – Internal Audit Fundamentals
- Part 2 – Internal Audit Engagement
- Part 3 – Internal Audit Function
Part 1 – Internal Audit Fundamentals:
- 125 multiple-choice questions
- 2.5 hours
The CIA Part 1 exam primarily tests knowledge of the IPPF and the Global Internal Audit Standards, predominantly for Domains 1 and 2.
The syllabus has four sections:
A. Foundations of internal auditing (35%)
B. Ethics and professionalism (20%)
C. Governance, risk management, and control (30%)
D. Fraud risks (15%)
Part 2 – Internal Audit Engagement:
- 100 multiple-choice questions
- 2.0 hours
Part 2 is about the application of the Global Internal Audit Standards in order to plan and perform an engagement, and communicate the findings, and tests your knowledge on Domain 5 and the Topical Requirements.
The syllabus has three sections:
A. Engagement planning (50%)
B. Information gathering, analysis and evaluation (40%)
C. Engagement supervision and communication (10%)
Part 3 – Internal Audit Function:
- 100 multiple-choice questions
- 2.0 hours
Part 3 looks at the management of the internal audit function and in particular Domain 4.
The syllabus has four sections:
1. Internal audit operations (25%)
2. Internal audit plan (15%)
3. Quality of the internal audit function (15%)
4. Engagement results and monitoring (45%)
Click here to access the syllabus.
There are approximately 200 hours of study per part:
- 2 hours onboarding
- 9-10 hours independent study per week
- 38 hours of virtual classes
- 32 hours of preparation for the exam
- 2 hours of exam time
You can expect to complete the certification in approximately 18 months, or six months per part.
You have three years to complete all parts.
The Chartered IIA has developed a comprehensive 16-week learning programme to support you. The programme includes:
- The Premium CIA Review package from Gleim, the global market leaders for CIA materials
Support until you pass the exam - A tutor to take you through the entire syllabus to make sure you understand every area
- 7 virtual classes to explore topics and practice your learning
Studying in a cohort means you can network with your peers to support each other on the course.
The peace of mind knowing you have the Chartered IIA supporting you every step of the way.
To qualify as a CIA you must pass three computer-based, multiple-choice exams:
1. Internal audit fundamentals: 125 questions, 2.5 hours
2. Internal audit engagement: 100 questions, 2 hours
3. Internal audit function: 100 questions, 2 hours
Multiple choice questions
To pass the exam, you need to achieve a score of at least 80% (or 600 of 750 marks). The CIA is a respected professional certification, and the exams are extremely challenging and should not be underestimated.
The Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) fees are split between the Chartered IIA who look after your membership and tuition, and IIA Global, who run the CIA itself. Your membership and tuition fees are paid online via this website, while your CIA fees are charged in US Dollars and paid directly to IIA Global via their Certification Candidate Management System platform.
Details of how to register with IIA Global are included in your Membership Welcome email. If you do need further assistance, please contact student.support@charterediia.org.
Membership fee - £243
Membership application fee - £148
CIA Learning Programme and learning materials - £1,500 + VAT per part
CIA application fee $180
CIA Part 1 - $440
CIA Part 2 - $380
CIA Part 3 - $380
Please note that if you choose to sit your exam online there will be an additional $115 admin fee.
The new Global Internal Audit Standards came into effect at the start of 2025, and the Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) syllabus will be changing significantly to reflect these changes. Here are some key dates to be aware of:
24th March
Our new 16 week learning programme for the revised CIA Part 1 and CIA Part 3 begins. Places are still available.
27th March
Students with access to the current Online Learning System will be given access to the new CIA Learning System for the 2025 syllabus. Access to the new system will be given for 2 years regardless of your when your current access to the Learning System expires, or your overall CIA deadline.
Your access to the current CIA Learning System will continue as usual. If your access to the current CIA Learning System has expired, you will not automatically be given access to the new system. Please contact us if you need to arrange an extension.
31st March
The new 16 week learning programme for the revised CIA Part 2 begins.
27th May
The final day of exams under the current syllabus.
28th May
New CIA exams go live. From this date it will no longer be possible to sit exams, including resits, under the old syllabus.
If you are not yet a Chartered IIA member and would like to become a Certified Internal Auditor, please sign up below.
You may be eligible for an exemption
Due to updated guidance from IIA Global, if you have previously completed the Internal Audit Practitioner exam you may be eligible for an exemption from CIA Part 1, even if your award has now expired. Please contact us for more information.