Internal Audit Practitioner - Internal audit fundamentals
Book onto the Internal Audit Practitioner programme - Internal audit fundamentals
We are pleased to announce the revised Internal Audit Practitioner programme is now open for registrations.
The Internal Audit Practitioner (IAP) programme covers the fundamental areas of internal audit including the IPPF, the Global Internal Audit Standards and fraud risk.
The revised Internal Audit Practitioner (IAP) programme also provides non-graduates with a pathway to the Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) certification. The IAP now follows the CIA Part 1 syllabus and, once you have completed the Internal Audit Practitioner exam, you can register on the CIA and only need to complete CIA Parts 2 and 3.
Junior auditor
Internal audit technician
Internal auditor
To be eligible, you must have:
· A valid government issued ID i.e. valid passport or driving licence.
· IIA Global Application
· Chartered IIA UK membership
We also recommend that you have 2 years’ internal audit experience before registering.
The programme will utilise the CIA Part 1 assessment, which will include:
Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) Exam Part 1 – Internal Audit Fundamentals:
The CIA Part 1 exam primarily tests knowledge of the IPPF and the Global Internal Audit Standards, predominantly for Domains 1 and 2.
The syllabus has four sections:
A. Foundations of internal auditing (35%)
B. Ethics and professionalism (20%)
C. Governance, risk management, and control (30%)
D. Fraud risks (15%)
The exam:
• 125 multiple-choice questions
• 2.5 hours
There are approximately 200 hours of study:
o 2 Hours onboarding
o 9-10 Hours independent study per week
o 38 Hours attending virtual classes
o 32 Hours preparing for the exam
o 2 Hours sitting the exam time
You have two years to complete the Internal Audit Practitioner from the date you are approved into the programme. You can expect to spend around six months preparing for the exam.
If you register on the CIA after completing the IAP, you will need to demonstrate that you have five years’ internal audit experience in order to claim the CIA designation.
The Chartered IIA has developed a comprehensive 16-week learning programme to support you. The programme includes:
Studying in a cohort means you can network with your peers to support each other on the course.
The peace of mind knowing you have the Chartered IIA supporting you every step of the way.
To qualify as an Internal Audit Practitioner, you must pass one computer-based, multiple-choice exam:
· Internal audit fundamentals: 125 questions, 2.5 hours
To pass the exam, you need to achieve a score of at least 80% (or 600 of 750 marks).
The Internal Audit Practitioner fees are split between the Chartered IIA who look after your membership and tuition, and IIA Global, who run the Internal Audit Practitioner itself. Your membership and tuition fees are paid online via this website, while your Internal Audit Practitioner fees are charged in US Dollars and paid directly to IIA Global via their Certification Candidate Management System platform. Details of how to register with IIA Global are included in your membership welcome email. If you do need further assistance, please contact student.support@charterediia.org
Item | Fee |
Membership fee | £243 p.a (VAT exempt) |
Membership application fee (one-off) | £148 (VAT exempt) |
Learning programme and learning materials | £1500 + VAT |
Internal Audit Practitioner Application fee payable to IIA Global | $120 |
CIA Part 1 exam | $440 |
Please note that if you choose to sit your exam online there will be an additional $115 admin fee.