What standards must our members follow?
All our members agree to the following standards:
- The Chartered IIA’s Code of Professional Conduct
- The Global Internal Audit Standards
- The Chartered IIA’s Policy for Continuing Professional Development.
Our Code of Professional Conduct provides members with clear guidance on how we expect them to behave and how to conduct themselves ethically.
This Code incorporates Domain II of the Global Internal Audit Standards (Ethics & Professionalism), issued by Global IIA.
This Code has been created to elicit trust and confidence in the profession, and all members of the Chartered IIA are expected to follow it to the letter.
View the code
These standards were developed by Global IIA and are followed by all Global IIA members worldwide.
They contain the principles and guidelines for conducting professional internal audits and assessing the performance of internal audits.
They apply to the internal audit functions and individual internal auditors, and heads of internal audit are responsible for their team complying with these standards.
View global standards
Our members must develop their knowledge, skills and competencies through continuing professional education (CPE).
This is mandated so that you offer the best service to your clients and stakeholders while staying up to date with developments in internal auditing.
You must confirm you’ve met the requirements each year during membership renewal and keep a record of your CPE activity (voting members only) to submit to the institute if required.
The International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing direct this requirement.
We are committed to promoting and upholding the highest professional standards in internal auditing.
Any member who does not adhere to these codes and standards may be subject to disciplinary procedures.
Please complete the professional complaints form if you need to file a complaint against a Chartered IIA member.
View complaints form